本科生奖学金 that Support Student 研究 和 Academic Interests 

RWU provides extensive guidance for undergraduate students seeking a range of prestigious fellowships. Fellowships are awards offered by organizations outside of RWU. Many provide significant financial support as well as invaluable opportunities to enhance your research, 学习目标, 职业规划.


本科 Fellowship Opportunities Are Available ...

image of RWU undergrad doing research在每一年的学习

学生用显微镜拍摄的图像在美国.S. 和

image of RWU student presenting research跨越所有学科

image of RWU students doing researchThat Support Diversity, Equity, 和 Inclusion

RWU students are great c和idates for these awards. 探索这些机会 网赌的十大网站的团队 to find out more information about how to apply.


Fellowships are available for students in every year of study, from your first year through senior year as you prepare for graduation.

  • 一年级学生  
  • 二年级的学生 
  • 初中  
  • 老年人 
  • 应届毕业生  



Fellowships are available to support many types of opportunities 和 experiences that fit with your academic 和 research goals.   

  • Funding 和 programs for study or research abroad  
  • Funding for research 和 scholarships for educational programs  
  • Preparation for graduate study or careers  
  • Postgraduate programs 和 scholarships for graduate study 



Fellowships are available for students in majors 和 fields across the University. Many opportunities are open to students in all majors, but we’ve made it easy to find one connected to your 学习目标.  

  • 艺术、人文和教育 
  • 社会科学  
  • 阀杆 

Explore Opportunities by Field or Major

Explore Fellowships that Support DEI

Many organizations provide fellowships that support students from diverse backgrounds.

  • Opportunities that prioritize students of color
  • Opportunities that prioritize women students
  • Opportunities that prioritize students demonstrating financial need

Explore Opportunities that Support DEI


联系RWU奖学金小组 fellowships@eventoshappyever.com 了解更多信息.


  • Identify opportunities that fit with your goals
  • 了解申请流程
  • Communicate your project 和 qualifications clearly 和 confidently

It is important to start thinking about your goals early. Every award has different requirements, deadlines, 和 guidelines. Some applications require institutional endorsements, or official approval from RWU. Let’s work together to come up with a plan that meets your goals!


The RWU Fellowships Team also works with faculty advisors. 探索资源 您和您的学生都可以使用.